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So viele Deutsche können nicht richtig lesen und schreiben

So many Germans can't read and write properly

When I told my wife about this statistic, she replied: "Now you've gone mad! Once you've learned to read, you can do it forever. If you get a high school diploma, you won't forget how to read." A day later, she went to her needlework circle....

Nichtleser in bestimmten Berufsgruppen

Non-readers in certain occupational groups

Look at the proportions in certain professions, for example, 56 % of unskilled labourers among construction workers cannot read. If we take Jesus' mission to bring the good news to all people seriously, then we cannot expect non-readers to start reading....

Die Leute lesen nicht mehr!

People no longer read!

People no longer read! The German book trade lost around a quarter of its customers from 2011-2021. Fewer and fewer people are reading books. With around 83 million people in 2021, less than one in three bought a book. Anyone who buys a book in Germany...

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