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Nichtleser in bestimmten Berufsgruppen

Non-readers in certain occupational groups

Look at the proportions in certain professions, for example, 56 % of unskilled labourers among construction workers cannot read. If we take Jesus' mission to bring the good news to all people seriously, then we cannot expect non-readers to start reading....

Wie Gott Kindern begegnet

How God meets children

During my training sessions, the participants always develop a story set for their particular context. These story sets are always a personal highlight for me, as I am often given a very rich gift and discover many new treasures in God's Word.

Geschichtenset für Muslime

Story set for Muslims

Again and again I am asked how to share the "Good News" with Muslims using a simple set. This is a suggestion as a starting point. Please remember that you can always adapt a set like this to the person you are talking to or the...

Bekehrungswege von Muslimen

Conversion paths of Muslims

In the summary of his doctoral thesis "Simple and complex at the same time: conversion processes and their assessment", Reinhold Strähler described four fascinating ways in which Muslims find Jesus (download dissertation in English). When you listen to stories...

Bevorzugter Weg Neues zu lernen

Preferred way to learn new things

Challenge: Read the following stories and try to identify which one generally describes your ethnic group. Think generously and be aware that there will be many exceptions. Non-reader1: The story of Ali and Aigul Ali was...

Jeder Fünfte nicht in Deutschland geboren

One in five not born in Germany

According to Wikipedia, there are around 16.4 million people living in Germany who were not born here. As a reminder, Germany currently has 84 million people. That means that roughly one in five people came to Germany from another country. By the way, that's...

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