Story set for Muslims
Again and again I am asked how to share the "Good News" with Muslims using a simple set. This is a suggestion as a starting point. Please remember that you can always adapt such a set to suit the person you are talking to or the target group. If you have half an hour or a whole hour, for example, you can tell them all one after the other. Just as often, however, I only tell one or two stories in several different conversations. You will find all of the following stories ready to download in my handbook "Stories and Oral Bibles". As the numbering changes over time, please go to the table of contents and search for "Story set for Muslims", at the moment it is no. 106
A conversation starts by building a relationship, you get to know each other briefly, talk about Islam and fasting. Then I ask the question: "Can I tell you an interesting story about fasting from the Prophet Isa?" I tell the story in simple German: Two men praying Luke 18:9-14. Many people will know the story under "The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the temple". Depending on the situation, I use the following as a cover or personal confession: "So I also believe that Jesus answers my prayers for forgiveness of my guilt. What do you think about that?" Or: "I am glad that Jesus sees my heart! How do you see that?"
If there is plenty of time, I will use the following story as the next one "The first disobedience against God Genesis 3:1-24". I emphasize afterwards that because of a single disobedience, the personal relationship with God has been destroyed to this day, even for us humans today. How can I manage to become righteous before God with good deeds?
Then I tell Abraham Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-6. Lid: I am happy that I have a personal relationship with God, that I talk to him like with a family member. What does that look like in your life? Do you also have such a personal relationship?
Next story: God puts Abraham to the test Genesis 22:1-19. "Who provided the sacrificial lamb?" Muslims almost always answer that the sacrifice was given by God. This is then the template for the next story.
The deliverance of Abraham's descendants by Moses Exodus 12:1-33, Deuteronomy 18:15
Again and again I come across postmodern Muslims who say that all religions lead to God. That's why I have the following lid: only those who were in the house and under the protection of the blood were spared from judgment. It was no use saying, "I am an Egyptian who says all religions lead to God." "Remember, God makes the rules not you. What do you think about that?"
Now comes the Message of Hope Isaiah 52:13-53:12. A very brief summary of this story is recommended here. Again the question: What do you think about it?
As the last or penultimate story I use Jesus' baptism Luke 3:1-3, 10-22 Matthew 3:7-9, 13-15, John 1:29. I end the story with the cover: "I believe that Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God who died and rose again as a sacrificial lamb for my disobedience, just as our common prophet Jachia (Arabic name for John the Baptist) said. What do you think about this?" You have to realize that this can come across as a serious provocation. Here you can see who is a seeker and who is not.
I use as a finish: The story of the prodigal sons Luke 15:11-32
Lid: "I believe that God welcomes us like a father welcomes his son. What do you think about this story?" Due to time constraints, the second part of the story about the second son can be omitted.
I always use stories to filter out who is really interested in spiritual conversation. "Who is seeking?" Anyone who has listened so far may find it worthwhile to spend a lot of time with more stories.
All stories are formulated in my manual and come with lots of tips. Especially for a storyteller with not so much experience, it can be worth learning and retelling a story every week.
I will also be introducing more story sets in my next blog posts, so it's worth coming back to the blog. A warm invitation to my Training in German and English.
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