Preferred way to learn new things
Challenge: Read the following stories and try to find out which one generally describes your ethnic group.
Think generously and be aware that there will be many exceptions.
Non-reader1: The story of Ali and Aigul
Ali used to be a farmer, but now he lives in the city and works as a laborer on a daily basis. He and his wife Aigul have two boys and a girl. Ali never went to school. Until recently, he didn't even get beyond the market, which is a three-hour walk from his farm. He sees writing in the city, but it has no meaning for him unless the color or appearance helps him find his way. Ali entertains his children with funny stories about his everyday work. But as soon as he has finished speaking, the story "disappears". It is gone forever, unless he repeats it. So the children ask him: "Tell it again!" and tell it to their friends the next day. Aigul also listens so that she can tell her neighbor something new over tea. They both use Whatsapp, but only for voice messages. Ali and Aigul learn through stories, anecdotes, proverbs, songs and practical experiences.
Non-reader 2: The story of Baris and Büschra
Baris is a former soldier who now works in the city and runs a small business. He and his wife Büschra have two daughters and one son. Before he joined the army, he went to business school. But when he finished school, he stopped reading. Büschra worked in a sewing shop before she became pregnant. They are both very proud of their older daughter, who is top of her class at school. But they are both secretly ashamed that they can't help her with her homework. At the age of eleven, she already reads and understands what she reads better than her parents, especially if it's a subject they don't know much about. Like some of his friends, Baris buys the newspaper and sits in the teahouse reading it. But he mainly gets news from his friends and forms his opinions by talking to his friends and listening to the radio. Büschra likes to meet with neighbors and relatives. Printed information has little influence on their values or behavior. They both use Whatsapp for short messages. They also both like to watch videos on YouTube. Their lives are based on what they learn through stories, discussions, anecdotes, proverbs, songs, videos and practical experiences.
Non-reader 3 Cem and Canan
Cem and Canan both grew up in the city and both finished school. After leaving school, Cem trained in a commercial profession and then did his military service in a special unit. Canan worked as an employee until the birth of her first child. She wrote Cem a detailed letter every week while he was in the military. And he wrote her a detailed letter in return. Canan likes to read. She mostly reads novels that she borrows from friends or the library. But her favorite entertainment is television and the radio. Canan helps her older daughter with her schoolwork and makes sure that all her homework is done on time. But when Canan or Cem need information for themselves, they don't look it up in the library, even though they are capable of doing so. Instead, they find someone to tell them or show them. Despite their education, they still believe that people are the best source of information. Canan understands a little when someone explains something with the help of sketches, points, lists, tables, diagrams, or steps, but she finds this kind of information difficult to remember and difficult to pass on to other people. Canan prefers oral information to printed information. She learns best and easiest through stories, anecdotes, proverbs, songs, practical experiences and intensive discussions.
Readers: Demir and Deniz
Demir is a 26-year-old university student majoring in mathematics. He hopes to get a job at a teacher training college. He likes to read and buys books on subjects he is interested in, even if they are not needed for his classes. His wife Deniz is like Demir. She also does a lot of research on the computer to learn and acquire knowledge beyond mathematics. They both like to learn new things. Demir also likes it when the text has a lot of pictures. He picked up this preference on the Internet. That's why he groans when he sees textbooks with long chapters, long paragraphs and no illustrations! Both prefer to use outlines, lists, tables, and diagrams to learn new things or share them with others. Both enjoy a good movie.
Based on your understanding of oral and written communication, your group would be categorized as one of these examples:
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